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东莞市侦探公司-婚外情和离婚取证。 Doc

发布时间:2025-01-31 12:06:18 点击量:




婚外情 and divorce evidence 1 取证 them to write a guarantee written evidence to indicate repentance; 2 Reports its prostitutes and can be investigated and processed to get the police's transcript; 3从双方获取SMS消息。 In addition to written evidence, SMS should be notarized first. It is appropriate to submit it to the court; 4 can obtain evidence of rape by taking pictures and cameras, but be careful not to infringe privacy. There are many divorce cases involving 婚外情 . Many parties are upset to find the evidence of the "third party" that they cannot find each other. Generally, parties can only get telephone lists, call records, short message content, relative intimate photos, witness testimony, and even blocked outside the door. These evidence is only indirect evidence, and its proof is relatively small. Generally, the courts will not determine that the other party has fault because of these evidence. The following five types of evidence are relatively large in proof: First, the "guarantee", "apology book", etc., 婚外情 have been exposed, and the written evidence of repentance written by one side is in a hurry; Some police intervention and the police's transcript; third, after the unit checks 婚外情 of the employees, sometimes it will be treated with the problem of their life style, and there will be some processing materials; the fourth is the letter, text message, email, etc. of both parties, such evidence, etc. In addition to written evidence, SMS, email, etc. should be notarized first, and then submitted to the court; the fifth is to catch treacherous in bed. It is difficult to collect such evidence.本质提示:在离婚案中东莞市侦探公司-婚外情和离婚取证。 Doc,一个政党收集了另一方的证据。 In addition to the purpose of the divorce in motivation, it is often hoped that compensation is compensated according to the fault compensation system of 婚姻 . Article 46 of 婚姻 stipulates that one of the following circumstances, which leads to divorce, has the right to request damage compensation: (1) those who are divorced; (2)与他人同住的配偶的人;暴力; (4)虐待和放弃家庭成员。 “配偶和其他人与他人同住”的情况是指配偶和婚外异性。他们不以夫妻的名义生活和稳定地生活在一起。 The judicial interpretation of the Supreme Court has not been clarified for what continues and stable co -living. Therefore, it is obviously not operable to prove that the spouse's continued and stable co -living in accordance with the law and the continuous and stable co -living in accordance with the law is obviously not operable. It is recommended that the parties fully estimate the possibility of 取证 and the cost of 调查 取证 when collecting third -party evidence, so as not to lose money.派生阅读:2015年新婚姻离婚条件2015年最新的新婚姻诉讼和离婚条件是什么